As Trump, US President elect, starts to announce his team it will be very interesting to see how the team start to work together and to deliver for the US Nation.
How functional is your leadership team?
How do they operate when business is going well? How do they operate when business is difficult and things are not going well? Hopefully equally as well.
Diverse Teams
Over the last decade much has been made about the importance of diversity in teams however just talking about diversity is very different to harnessing the benefits that diversity brings. A real test of a team is when they face difficulty, challenge and change. Delivering transformation can be a real challenge for team dynamics and collaboration.
Harnessing Diversity
Understanding difference is a key part of harnessing diversity in a team. Understanding the team elements as well as the individual elements and how we all work to harness and realise the value that each person can deliver for the team is so important. Â It rarely happens without being proactive and making specific time fo the team to focus how they can work together.
John Adair’s Action Centered Leadership advocates about a leader focusing on achieveing the task, motivating and developing the individuals and building and maintaing  the team. So often the team element is not considered, not prioritised or addressed when a team is already struggling.

An objective Approach
We are experts in people measurement and we like to take an objective view of teams. So our approach is to help individuals in team understand their strengths and gaps and also to help them to understand their teams strengths and possible risks. In particular risks tend to play out when a team is under pressure or stress which often happens when the team is facing a big challenge or fast paced change.
Team Awareness
By looking at a teams diversity of personality, motivation, derailers and behaviorus we can also help a team to understand the strengths of the team and also the gaps or risks for the team. Taking this a stage further we can help the team to understand commonality as well as diversity and to start to value and to encourage the other members of the team to value what everyone brings to the team.
Team Development Plans
Then turning this awareness into action is thinking what does each individual need to commit to do more of or less of to enable the diverse elements of the team to add to achieving the task, the vision or the transformation. Â So what team skills do I need to develop? What is my team development plan?
Get in touch
We use a wide cross section of psychometric tools to measure personality ability and motivation. We measure behaviours using 360s and structured behavioural interviews.
If you would like to know more about how we can support you in building a strong leadership team please get in touch.  email or call us on +44 (0) 333 090 2580.