360 degree feedback for law leaders
The Law Leaders 360 degree feedback survey has been designed with senior leaders across the field of Law in mind. The survey is aimed at providing managing partners and practice group leaders with an insight into how others perceive the leadership behaviours that they use to ensure their own, their team and their firm’s success.

The Law Leaders 360 feedback survey gathers self-assessment responses and feedback from manager, direct reports and other key stakeholders. The survey relates to the 11 behaviours of the Schroder High Performance Managerial Competency Framework . There’s an emphasis on sound decision-making as well as effective influencing and relationship building also building capability within team and the firm in those areas. It uses a five-point scale, to enable the rating of 56 statements so that the individual can get a really clear picture, through their feedback report, of their strengths and development needs. Two free text questions encourage the individual to think about their strengths and development needs, and enable the feedback respondents to provide greater detail of the impact of the individuals behavioural strengths and development areas.
360 degree feedback is a simple but powerful way for an individual to find out about their strengths and potential development needs. By comparing feedback from a range of sources our surveys also allow individuals to identify how perceptions might differ across a range of people with whom the individual interacts on a day-to-day basis.
All of our surveys are delivered online and can be managed in house via our survey administration platform or we can deliver the project for you.
The experience is simple and hassle free. The individual requiring feedback receives a link to their nomination form where they can enter the names and email addresses of those they would like feedback from. Once submitted, our system will automatically email the feedback givers requesting they provide feedback via a web-link to the individual’s survey. The individual will receive their own link to their self-survey for completion.
Our Law Leader 360 degree feedback report has been designed by our experienced consultants to provide the individuals receiving feedback with clear and concise results. The report walks the individual through their data from top level information through to question detail, encouraging the individual to consider how they can make use of their strengths and recognise where their behaviour and actions may be having a negative impact
55 statements, 2 free text items, approximately 15 minutes - untimed.
Fully outsourced to be managed by GFB or with access to our online platform the surveys can be managed in-house.
Want to know more?
Contact us for more information or to view a sample report.